Please Donate Now!
The New York State Council relies on TU Members like you to carry out the Council's and TU's mission. Your generous donation assures the Council can proceed with planned river restoration projects, youth education programs, community engagement activities, and much more.
Every contribution, small or large, enables significant impacts. Seize this opportunity to make a difference -- it's the perfect moment to give back.
I reside and fish in the Catskill region and I donate to the New York State Council of Trout Unlimited because I recognize the importance of its work in preserving New York’s fishing resources and natural habitats. The Council provides leadership, coordination and communications to the local chapters throughout the state. It educates anglers and citizens via workshops and seminars so that Individuals and TU chapters, like ours, can learn from one another and harmonize our efforts to positively influence government policies on environmental issues. Donations to the New York State Council of Trout Unlimited strengthen its capacities to fulfill these vital roles.
Stuart Leigh
Member, Catskill Mountains Trout Unlimited