Honor the legacy of Bill Wellman, a name that resonates with many of us, by supporting the New York State Council of Trout Unlimited. Bill was a passionate advocate for coldwater conservation, dedicating his life to protecting the rivers and streams he loved. Your donation in his name will continue the work he championed, preserving vital habitats for trout and other wildlife across New York State. By contributing, you help sustain Bill's vision of healthy, thriving waterways for future generations. Celebrate Bill's life and commitment to conservation by making a meaningful impact on the natural world he cared so deeply about.
You will receive a tax acknowledgment letter, and we will also send an acknowledgment of your gift to whomever you designate.
If making your gift by credit card, please complete the information below and Click the GREEN "DONATE NOW" Button. Alternatively, if you prefer, Click the GREEN Button to download the mail-in form.