The New York State Council is a statewide non-profit, non-political and non-sectarian grassroots organization comprised of volunteer delegates from New York State’s 26 Trout Unlimited Chapters. These volunteer delegates work to support chapters, guide restoration projects, advocate for the waters in New York and bordering states, and educate the public and youth. The members of the New York State Council, their leadership position and Chapter affiliations are shown below.
Council Chair
Don Kieffer (Clearwater)
Fisheries Enhancement Fund (FEF) Representative
John Braico (Adirondack)
Resource Management
Tom Carroll (Home-Waters)
Chair - Conservation Committee
Joseph Anscher (Long Island)
Member – Conservation Committee
Roy Lamberton (Clearwater)
Member–Conservation Committee
Reuben Zamarian (New York City)
Member–Conservation Committee
Bob Yunich (Ashokan-Pepacton)
Vice President-Advancement
Lindsay Agness (Seth Green)
Vice President-Youth
Robert Mead (Al Hazzard)
Co-Director of Trout Waters Youth Camp
Mike Walcho (Clearwater)
Co-Director of Trout Waters Youth Camp
Keith Tidball (Finger Lakes)
Vice President–Service Partnership
Bill Wellman (Lake Champlain)
Chair-Hydro-electric Power
Sarah Baker (Mid-Hudson)
Vice President-Diversity
Larry Charette (Seth Green)
Chair-Advocacy and Immediate Past Council Chair
Ron Urban (Catskill Mountain)
Past Chairman
Jeff Plackis (Long Island)
Vice-President Region 1
National Leadership Council (NLC) Representative -
Roger Olson (New York City)
Vice-President Region 2
Pat Crisci (Mid Hudson)
Vice-President Region 3
Dan Plummer (Dave Brandt)
Vice-President Region 4
Richard Redman (Lake Champlain)
Vice President Region 5
Paul Miller (Tug Hill Black-River)
Vice-President Region 6
Allen Peterson (Al Hazzard)Vice-President Region 7
Lisa Green (Seth Green)
Vice-President Region 8
Chuck Godfrey (Western New York)
Vice-President Region 9