Conservation is Our Legacy, Building Community is Our Strength, Education and Advocacy Ensures Our Future.
Since 1959, the national non-profit organization Trout Unlimited (“TU”) has worked diligently to conserve, preserve, protect, and sustain North America's coldwater fisheries and watersheds.
A non-profit organization operating as an affiliate of TU National, the New York Council is financially independent. There are 7,600 TU members in 26 New York chapters. The EIN is 23-7355317.
The Council coordinates the Chapters' conservation, education, and advocacy work and provides grants and expertise. The Council also collaborates with agencies and conservation organizations to protect coldwater resources and fisheries.
The NYSCTU's URLs for its official website are and NYSCTU and NYCTU (the URL for the New York Chapter) are not the same. Similarly, the URL, previously used, now belongs to a Council member responsible for Resource Management.
Council Members' Volunteer Hours
Statewide "Plant for Our Future" Volunteer Hours
Statewide "Plant for Our Future" Trees Planted